Friday, 22 May 2015

Future of Screens: LG Wallpaper TV

Image: LG

In an announcement that is going to make your current flat screen body conscious, this week LG announced the launch of the “Wallpaper TV". The Wallpaper TV is the latest development in screen technology - using breakthrough, albeit outrageously expensive, curved screen and OLED technology. But, the future looks bright if you are itching to clip your TV to your wall like a magnet to your fridge as soon as possible, the costs are being reduced dramatically every month as efficiencies and breakthroughs continue. Read more on specifications here.

What does this mean for digital tables? 

While this isn’t touch screen technology, this development means a lot for the DIGITABLE. Where the TV is about entertainment, the digital table is about interaction. Efficiencies in screen technologies, making them smaller, more flexible and more affordable, mean we are one step closer to having more screens in more places. One day, flexible touch screens such as the LG Wallpaper TV will be able to be applied to any table surface and comprehensive, capable multi-user interfaces will be there to work in symbiosis with us; we are that much closer to a world of enriched collaboration. Bring on the Wallpaper TV!

Check out our website for more details on our latest collaboration and productivity technology.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Introducing the DIGITABLE

We have had an exciting past few months at nsquared. We launched a whole new and improved interface with radialshell. We had the chance to attend the Easter Show with our friends from Lockyer Valley. Neil was a speaker at the Corning Realising the Vision symposium. We are constantly updating and improving our software; over 30 multi-user apps, that keeps us busy non-stop. Also we have had a number of great new members join our growing team.

Now, we are excited to announce, we are launching the DIGITABLE.

The DIGITABLE is a collaborative tool that combines leading edge, award winning technology, carefully crafted to encourage greater productivity in meetings. This product is now available at an incredible price, learn more here.

We have launched a new video with our friends from Haworth to walk through the DIGITABLE - check it out below!

This is the start of an exciting new range of tables nsquared is developing specifically aimed at increasing productivity in meetings. Work Together Better. Stay tuned for more announcements soon.

Friday, 1 May 2015

One Device Life

Can you imagine living with only one device? No computer, no tablet, perhaps even no phone. This idea is even more radical than it sounds. The announcement this week by Microsoft of the Microsoft Continuum gave us a strong insight into where technology and more significantly, human interaction, is heading. This is not in a far-off sci-fi future, this is the immediate future. We will all be living this vision shortly, which is why it is especially important to consider the ramifications beyond the technology itself.

The Single-Device Paradigm

Your phone as your PC, and your tablet, and your work computer, makes sense. You get to discard the fragile, expensive large screens from your life, and at the same time get to access the full power of a PC everywhere with no tradeoff. This idea, however, does pivot on the assumption there are screens to access.

The private sphere will move from personal or work computers to single devices connected to shared screens. Our concept of public screens will be uprooted. They will no longer be out-dated public library computers, shared screens will be the norm. 

The Microsoft Continuum has the potential to help bring people together and in the process, enrich their experience with technology, each other and their lives. Traditional computer monitors will no longer be necessary. Since its inception, the vision at nsquared has been to put digital tables everywhere in order to enhance collaboration and get people talking away from isolating personal devices. The Microsoft Continuum represents a step toward this vision.

The digital table is a social technology that allows people to share the same screen. In the same way, the Microsoft Continuum is a tool for people to share screens. Sitting at home, the family will be able to sit around their digital coffee table, their devices connected simultaneously, exploring and sharing together.

This is no small announcement. Microsoft has given us a profound vision to the potential of technology to enhance our lives. Microsoft Continuum and shared screens is a future worth looking forward to.